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Fallen Angels Service

By Scout Nathan E

The week before Christmas, Jordan conducted her Springbok service project at Fallen Angels.

In the cattery, we cleaned and painted the Wendy house, repaired the existing structures and added ropes for scratching and hammocks for the cats. We built shade for the alpacas and goats, which they liked. We helped with the day-to-day chores like uploading food deliveries that were donated to Fallen Angels. We painted a huge welcome mural.

In the evening we slept in the cattery, watching movies together. Some of the cats slept with us in our sleeping bags. They were very lovable. The cats loved the hammocks and beams we put up for them.

On the day of Christmas Eve, as Scouts, we assisted the Fallen Angels crew and volunteers in the enormous task of giving over 220 dogs and 30 cats each their very own Christmas present and poochie cupcake.

We worked hard but had loads of fun. Overall, the service project was enjoyable and a great success.

Day 1 21 December

We cleaned and started repairs in the cattery. Dom and Nathan E helped unload a food delivery.

Day 2 22 December

We finished the cattery and started with the shade and mural. Dom and Nathan E helped unload a food delivery again.

Day 3 23 December

We continued with the shade and mural. Both Nathans and Sabastian helped with the compost.

Day 4 24 December

We finished the shade and mural and helped give the dogs their presents


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